September 17, 2007

Leaves turning, turning

There are so many lately. Leaves that is. New ones turning over in my mind, in my city, in my heart and in my pocketbook. One year ago and some change Nic and I were New Yorkers for that famous minute, wandering the streets with our overpriced coffee, delighting in every hot sip.

Today, as in the past week, I'm lost in memories like this, thinking hard about my past and harder about my future. Praying I won't always be one foot in, one foot out of every place I live. Praying I won't be three phone calls, two blogs and endless e-mails behind in friendships. Praying I am met with new challenges wherever I go. Praying daily and nightly.

I remarked to my sister yesterday that my life before Christ was so bizarre, but nothing in comparison to my life after Christ. She laughed. Despite my pre-determination to the contrary, it turns out she knows her Father, too. Turns out we both love Our Father a lot more than our father. There's a lot to remember and a lot to forget about that particular heartache.

In between and around all of these swirling memories are long, long days of pretty hard work. You can learn a lot about yourself and other people when you scrub their toilets for a living. Do yourself a favor and just mark my words on that one. Every now and then I like to put myself low to the ground with some work. I feel like it's easier to get on my knees when I'm already down there.

Praise God I've got a place to live in Michigan a mere five blocks from my dear husband-to-be, who will be taking the maiden voyage in his new car this weekend. God bless the man who will drive three hours back to a place he hates just because the woman he loves is still stuck there. I get a little misty even writing this, that God found me and Nic and put us together. He is so good.

How do you end a train of thought? I'll try this way, with a written expression of gratitude for all the prayers and help, and a call to worship the Father who makes it all possible. The writing, the blessings, the grace.. brilliant.


Julee Ann said...

There's nothing like Michigan in the Fall. Welcome! Have I told you lately that I love your writing? Your analogy(s) in this one drew me in and I felt like I was sitting across the table from you over a latte. Hopefully we can do just that in the not too distant future.

savvycityfarmer said...

The maiden voyage...devotion...
thank you for this fall color tour of your soul....hoping someday in the near future the two of you can return to NY...I know the passion you both have for the the mean time enjoy Chicago with its autumnal beauty...and God bless Moody to you both, Mom


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