July 28, 2009

Movin' On Up

Up, as in north. And west.

Yes, folks, we're moving back into the central time zone later today and will be new residents of the state of Wisconsin. Please think of and pray for our safe travels and - also important - retaining our sanity!

Nic and I are both very sad to be leaving this apartment. I will miss my garden, meager and modest as it is, the lawn where I sunbathe, beautiful Michigan skies that go on and on, Stuart Avenue in the fall with its multi-colored trees, Saturday night madness sale at my favorite thrift store and, of course, the crazy squirrels. Mostly I will really miss this quaint and cute apartment on the inside; the way it makes it feel like we live in an urban brownstone is inexplicable but wonderful.

And on that note... it has been strongly suggested to me that I do a series of "before" and "after" posts at the new apartment, to show the process of making a plain, complex-building space into a unique one. So as soon as I figure out the internet in the new apartment, I'll be getting to work on those.

Sitting here in the kitchen right now makes me remember one thing I won't miss - the dripping sink! :)

Anyway, in the meantime and before I write again, here are some photos (promised long ago) of Madison and the university, the new city home! Talk to you soon...

Abe looking down on the town.

Inside at the Capital.

At the University of Wisconsin.

The Capital on the square.


Burkulater said...

Praying you have a safe and lovely journey! We here in Michigan will miss you! I had no idea you were here!

Anonymous said...

Safe travels! Do you know that Madison is the San Francisco of the Midwest? Veeeerrrrryyyyy Liberal. Good luck!

savvycityfarmer said...

I would say "here we go" ... but we came and went
...it was a pleasure helping you move. I just know you will soon adapt to that new little tree house.
I know those sentiments of missing a special place.

We got home about 1:30 a.m.
slept till 10.:00 this morning ...
Don estimated he and Nic did about 7,000 stair steps

never did get the new address, will you email it with some of the pictures, when you have time.


Parisienne Farmgirl said...

Glad you are this side of 80/94!!!!

Hope you settle in well to your new home.

Those gardens should comfort any sadness over your sweet little apartment...WOW!!!! I would pitch a tent and never come in.

Victoria said...

John- Yes, unfortunately I did know that, and have already somewhat experienced it. I'll have to reserve judgment on the issue for now (to save my sanity).


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