October 5, 2010

Less Than a Week?

My due date is on Sunday!

I can hardly believe it... seems like it went by SOOOOO quickly. I didn't keep good notes (I'm not a "journaling" type) except for a symptoms list! Funny, those are the things I will probably remember without jotting them down. A lot of them came butted up against each other at the end (thank goodness).

I remember when my nephew Eli - now almost 13 -was born. And my nephew Connor (I was in the bathroom in my dorm washing dishes when I got the phone call!). My niece Maia arrived in the summer, to my adoring sister and brother-in-law. Lastly, nephew Joe was early.. born two weeks shy of his due date, but the biggest baby of all of them (even though he looked absolutely tiny in pictures).

I heard stories of Aidan's birth before I even met his mother and father. We got a phone call that Amelie was being born and started getting ready to head over... only to get another call a half hour later saying "It's over!" Juliette had a fanfare of her own, being born into her dad's arms, just like her sister was - although Juliette wasn't in quite as much of a hurry.

Now... Eli is almost 13, Connor 8, Maia 5, Aidan 5, Amelie almost 3, and the babies are one and almost one, respectively. People always say time flies with kids, and so many days go by without your being able to recollect them later.

I have great memories of my cousins as we grew up, and my nephews and nieces are all uniquely special to me. We have painted pictures together, stomped in the mud, read stories, played Legos, investigated the outdoors and enjoyed dinners together. I have so many good memories of them; it makes me sad that distance now dictates I see my sisters' kids only a few times a year. I still don't want to miss anything. Thank goodness for pictures, video calls and e-mail.

What will my own kids be like? I don't know very much about this baby so far. What I do know is that he/she doesn't startle easily (in fact, not at all), is very active (still), is on the "small side of normal" (about 6 lbs right now, maybe a smidgen more), likes every kind of food I like and is a little stubborn (at least as far as getting settled in a comfy position goes).

But what else? None of these things I mention are personality. Nothing about what he/she looks like, or will behave like. What will he/she like to do? To think about?

I suppose all that comes in the far future. I'll soon enough be lamenting the days of sleepy, snuggly nap and feeding times, with the greatest cares he/she has are being warm and well fed.

None of this captures what I'm feeling about the whole thing. I'm not a very emotional person.. my mom wasn't nor hers before... Or maybe I just don't know how to express it correctly? I thought writing it down would make it easier but.. it's not. The closest I can come to describing it is being a jumble of anticipation, nervousness, curiosity, excitement, joy, fear, wistfulness and calm. On any given day, at any given moment, the proportions of those feelings change.

And I don't think that's going to go away any time soon.
But I am looking forward so much to meeting this little person face-to-face.

Pray it all goes well.. it's very uncertain still how it will transpire... isn't it always?... Pray for all three of us, if you would. We would greatly appreciate it.


Farmgirl Cyn said...

Absolutely will pray. (Thank you for YOUR kind words)


Aunt Julee said...

Thinking of you as you go into production ;-/

I'm not sure it's that you aren't emotional as much as it is resting in God's care and his promises.

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

God bless you Victoria.

Anxiously awaiting a call from Joy or Ang,
Aunt Julee

Parisienne Farmgirl said...

actuuuuallly.... Juliette came an hour quicker than Amélie - but this time the midwife was in person instead of over the cell phone! HA
I read once that it's not too wise to ascribe characeristics to a small child before you really know what you are talking about - lest you brand them. It is always tempting to act like you "know" this little person inside you. Truth be told, how can you - I knew Aidan jumped at the sound of a nail gun and kicked back from 5 months on when poked and moved when he heard Allison Krauss's "A Living Prayer" beyond that - I think we feel so much pressure to act like we "KNOW" our child when in fact, the little munchkin is a fricken' mystery and you're just stressing about how to love it and keep it alive!!!

Wait til you are two weeks into it and you are like "that's a burp cry", "that's a wet diaper cry" "that's a milky cry" - then you feel like a pro...
....'til you call your Mom and say "This baby won't stop crying!!!!"


My Moms answer always was,
"We ran the vacuum cleaner to make you stop or we took you for a drive."

Glad you got the new digs - they were in a studio above someone's garage with me!


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