February 24, 2008

To the smartest man I know

He always asks me
If I'm writing about him;
He wants to know if

I think of him as
often as he thinks of me.
How can I reply?

The only way I know
Is to show all of you just
How hard grad school is:

This post is dedicated to my darling Nicholas, my favorite teacher of all time. I jest with this video, but I know how much you are putting into school. Keep up the hard work honey; it will pay off eventually!


Owen said...

Thank you honey. This warmed my heart as I got to the office this morning out of a brand new several inches of snow and slush.

How were you able to select a video clip so utterly appropriate to the occasion?

It gave me renewed vigor and verve as I sat down, once more, to crunch the numbers and specs on this new laser that we're developing here in the philosophy department.

savvycityfarmer said...

You're the funniest little woman I know....this made my day as i crawled to bed...


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