August 13, 2008

One of the Many

The following is an excerpt from a local Reformed church's website. It is a section of the Belhar Confession, recently adopted by several RCA (Reformed Church in America) members.

"...we reject any doctrine which absolutizes either natural diversity or the sinful separation of people in such a way that this absolutization hinders or breaks the visible and active unity of the church, or even leads to the establishment of a separate church formation; [or any doctrine]which denies that a refusal earnestly to pursue this visible unity as a priceless gift is sin..."

It is esentially saying, "we refuse to allow part of our church to separate from another part of our church that is openly sinning" and "we have to keep our congregation together at all costs, because if we don't we are being sinful."

Now ask me again why it's so hard to find a home church here.

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