February 3, 2009

Contact your Representatives to support the DOMA!

This posting spot was reserved for a very lengthy column outlining President Obama's administration, but instead I am asking you to join me in contacting your state Representatives to support the Defense of Marriage Act.

The DOMA was signed into law only twelve years ago, by Congress and President Clinton. It allows each state to set their own rulings as to how marriage is upheld and defined. So far, 30 states have reinstated their wording and definitions of marriage since it was determined Obama would be President. Heck, even California was in on defining marriage between one man and one woman!

Please send an e-mail to Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader Reid, President Obama and your state Representatives asking them, urging them, to support a continutation of the DOMA nationwide. Go to the National Organization for Marriage via this link and submit an e-mail. Do it today!

President Obama has already said one of his first important tasks would be to repeal DOMA. Who knows how soon that could be? If you value marriage as defined traditionally- ordained- then please consider voicing your support.

Thank you!!!

1 comment:

savvycityfarmer said...

You KNOW I'm first in line for this vote.

Adam and Eve, not Steve.


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