August 6, 2009


The Supreme Court just nominated Sotomayor.

Can you believe this is the country we live in?


Farmgirl Cyn said...

Yes, sadly, I can.

savvycityfarmer said...

nothing surprises me anymore ... what's a consevative to do?

savvycityfarmer said...

what's with every magazine cover? It seems I see Michelle at the supermarket ad nauseam

Anonymous said...

I'm not too bummed about this one....a lib for a lib is not the end of the world. I do hope next time our guys and gals get a little more hardcore though--the tide certainly seems to be changing in the past month or two! All hope is not lost ;-)

Parisienne Farmgirl said...

I am going to move to an island and start my own country I am so sick of this s---. She only purgered (sp?) herself how many times during the whole deal? Oh, but she is Latina so she knows better than the rest of us I suppose.

Victoria said...

John, you make a good point that it's just an exchange, but still I'd like to see some evening out on the Supreme Court. God, please preserve Scalia for as long as possible!

Ladies, it's something else in a long line of disappointing moves he's making. Take heart... stay convicted.

Anonymous said...

I agree Victoria--I worry about Scalia's weight more than my own ;-)

Thank God Roberts and Alieto should be around for 30-40 years! Hmmm, what is the average age of the libs and conservatives on the court...going to go find that out.


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