April 9, 2009

One More McCain for the Road

... As in, please hit the road. I'm talking to you, Meghan McCain.

Since when does a 24-year-old, art history-majoring nobody get a) a prime spot as a political commentator on the web and b) a book deal?? Hmm... Flash back to yours truly as a twenty-four year old cad (and an art major, too!). If you had asked me where I thought the future of the democratic party was, I can bet you bottom dollar you wouldn't give two cents for my opinion. And why is that? Because all I knew was what I learned in liberal arts school, and what I had in my intuition bag.

Now, my intuitions are pretty decent. But frankly I just don't know enough about the political landscape to be so arrogant as to accept a book deal! In fact, stop reading this right now!

Just kidding.

In case you were wondering, Meghan says the future of the republican party is in, like, using Facebook. 'Cause, you know, democrats have utilized it for slicker packaging of their message. And that's the real reason we have the President that we do.

News flash, Megs, just because you're on Facebook doesn't mean the success of the republican party is.

All this from the girl who joined in the pack mentality on the View against Laura Ingraham! Pay some respect, chica. Ai ya...


Stephanie said...

She got a book deal? I wonder who is going to buy this?

Parisienne Farmgirl said...

She's an idiot. Laura slaughtered her.

Anonymous said...

No Sorry, Laura did not slaughter Meghan, Laura is an idiot. All of you conservatives need to crawl out from under the rock you have been living under for the last 8 years and take a look at the way the United States of America is supposed to be.

Parisienne Farmgirl said...

I just spit my tea I am laughing so hard. Is THIS the way America is supposed to be? Wow.

Stephanie said...

Well, I've been a conservative for much longer than 8 years and I most certainly have not been living under a rock. I thought America was supposed to be what the founding fathers designed. I believe the constitution is a good place to start.

Joannah said...

I couldn't agree more! I saw her on Hannity a few weeks ago and she is such an airhead.

If she's the future of the GOP we're in even bigger trouble than we are right now.

Joannah said...

Notice how the dissenter had to leave an anonymous comment? What's up with that?

Victoria said...

My comment is too long for here... I will be posting regarding that anonymous comment shortly.

Until then, here, here all other commenters!

Anonymous said...

bring it back on around anony!!

are you hiding under a rock?

Victoria said...

P.S. Everyone- the 2nd anonymous is known by me! Just in case there was confusion.


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