August 21, 2009

Blast from the Non-racially Motivated Past

WHOA DUDE! Here's a fun Friday night watch for you, from the vaults of Hot Air (where do they find this stuff?). It's Obama in a 1995 interview talking about how politicians tend to look for racial scapegoats instead of "focusing on principles."

Irony, anyone?


Anonymous said...

I almost want to stop food blogging and start a blog that documents Obama's disingenuity (is that a word?). There are list out there like "Obama's 400 lies" but they include things like he said he was going to get a dog in the first month but it took 6 weeks...I want to do just the BIG lies...just the IMPORTANT lies...mostly about healthcare these days...

Victoria said...

Check today's post for another lie from the big O...

It really is frustrating, isn't it? I take comfort in there existing sites that really ARE finding out when and where he's doubletalking. Thank goodness someone's trying to call him out on them.

ps. Don't stop food blogging, ever! :)


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