This post is in relation to the headline I just posted about the pregnant "man" and his "wife," recently interviewed by Larry King.
The couple made headlines doing what the sensationalist media loves best, completely de-moralizing Christian terms and traditions.
As a wife I'm particularly bothered by the "wife" in the story. I can almost say I'm ok with the "husband," at least in a general way. Of course I'm not ok with her being a biological woman and yet calling herself a man. But I can see that she's completely deluded about herself, her body and her sexuality.
But the other woman? She doesn't consider herself to be gay, even though she is "married" to a woman. And she is quoted as saying that 'Thomas,' her partner, is "all man to [her]." Except for (1) her not having male reproductive organs and genetalia and (2) she is pregnant with their second child! A child that Nancy helped produce by injecting donated sperm into Thomas's uterus. That's right- "his" uterus!
This is very tricky and very troubling. Nancy had had a hysterectomy so she is lacking the internal female organs. And Thomas, though externally looks somewhat male, has all female reproductive organs, internally and externally. These facts may lead you to ask, "Who's the 'real woman' of the two?"
The answer: they are both woman. They were born that way, as God intended them to be. Isn't it nice to have some real, logical answers?
Yet, I cannot help but think of their two children, one yet in utero. What will they tell their children about what makes a little boy a little boy and a little girl a little girl? If reproductive organs, genetalia, wombs, eggs, sperm, external characteristics cannot lead one to believe someone is male or female.. what exactly is the criteria for being male or female?
Without either parent having an idea of gender identity that is conclusive, what will these children grow up to believe they themselves are?
I thought I'd add my comment here for clarification and a few more thoughts about the issue.
"The thing is, 'Thomas' has had breast reduction surgery and hormone "therapy" (they shouldn't call it that), which has made her grow facial hair. But as far as the p. issue, she doesn't have one. There is not, in fact, any surgery to create one for a woman who would rather be a man. Thomas does claim, however, that the hormones make her cl. swell so that she can "make love like a man."
I hate the flippant attitude that Barbara and her ilk have about topics like this; "we just need to rethink our ideas of ______." As if it is that simple. The liberal media wave away these profound issues with such a superficial wand. Here's the problem I am going to chastise you into accepting today, but you'll never hear me talk about it again!
Newsanchors like Barbara should be annually evaluated like everyone else on their performance."
Goodness. I saw this the other morning while working out - we have a little tv in the basement or else I would not have to have been traumatized by this. I did not know he/she...well, let's just say I thought she was post op if you know what I mean. So let me get this straight - their both women? No penises anywhere???
Where then, is the story? Someone is playing dress up and making television once again. I guess everyone needs their 15 minutes.
In the meantime Barbara Walters thinks we need to rethink what makes a man a man and a women a women.
Maybe she should take that pastor's 7 day sex challenge if she is having such a hard time remembering. I certainly don't have any questions on the matter!
Ha! I like your advice to Barbara. :) BTW I'm abbreviating some of the body parts here to reduce crassness.
The thing is, 'Thomas' has had breast reduction surgery and hormone "therapy" (they shouldn't call it that), which has made her grow facial hair. But as far as the p. issue, she doesn't have one. There is not, in fact, any surgery to create one for a woman who would rather be a man. Thomas does claim, however, that the hormones make her cl. swell so that she can "make love like a man."
I hate the flippant attitude that Barbara and her ilk have about topics like this; "we just need to rethink our ideas of ______." As if it is that simple. The liberal media wave away these profound issues with such a superficial wand. Here's the problem I am going to chastise you into accepting today, but you'll never hear me talk about it again!
Newsanchors like Barbara should be annually evaluated like everyone else on their performance.
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