September 20, 2009

God Has Done Marvelous Things

All around here it is fall. It is just starting and I love it already. In the gardens you wouldn't know the season had changed but for the produce, squashes and gourdes of all kinds. The birds, butterflies and gardeners are still savoring the full sun and scents of God's bountiful harvest, pretending it's summer yet.

The day changes, the season changes, people change, and God is still providing us with splendor.

Here are my recent photos from the Eagle Heights gardens, with a couple of my tomatoes to start. Enjoy the start of a new week!

Heirloom variety, can't remember which one!

Sweet little cherry tomatoes have been enjoyed for weeks.


Pear-shaped gourds.

An unusual zucchini!

A mountain of squashes.

Bippity, boppity boo!

Sunburst sunflower.

Curly peppers.

Butterflies pollinate the flowers, too. But mostly they sip nectar.

Must...resist urge to...grab handfuls of raspberries...from someone else's garden!

Bright purple beans.

More unusual plants and flowers.

Lovely dahlias (I think).

*All photography by Victoria for Fear and Trembling. Please do not copy. Not that I think you would, but in case you were contemplating it. Thank you!


Stephanie said...

Is this what you are talking about? Having a plot in someone elses bigger garden? I like the idea a lot. I'll have to look into this and thanks for the idea!

Victoria said...

Well, these aren't things I've planted. But the community gardens (that the pics are of) offer 20x20 ft plots for $25 a year! If you find someone to share it's cheaper, and most people are happy to fill up the space.

I had no idea gardens like this even existed. Good luck!

Victoria said...
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