Sarah Palin's sincere thoughts on Special Olympics
I don't care if you love her, hate her, or couldn't care less- this lady's got a lot of class. For fun, compare and contrast with Pres. Obama's statement on Leno about his 129 bowling score being like" Special Olympics or something." Just saying...
She has the cutest baby. So sweet and innocent. I wish she was our president. I thought she handled the huge amount of parody and criticism about her with class.
She has the cutest baby. So sweet and innocent. I wish she was our president. I thought she handled the huge amount of parody and criticism about her with class.
this is the heart of a mother... your child is "it" no matter what!!!!
She is filled with poise and grace...I hope the future is filled with more Palin banners!!!
Hi! Followed you from Bonjour Madame's blog. Oh, the always-inspiring Sarah Palin ~ love her! Thanks for sharing the clip.
Such a beautiful baby. I wish I could say the same about our Commander in Chief.
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